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Lifestyle Medicine: Not Just for the Wealthy

Primary care clinicians understand that addressing lifestyle-related chronic disease health disparities in minority and lower-income communities is a significant opportunity to alleviate unnecessary suffering. Disparate health outcomes associated with underlying comorbidities during the COVID pandemic exposed the urgency of this problem.
When it comes to delivering evidence-based therapeutic lifestyle behavior interventions to these populations, however, there is a misconception that lifestyle medicine is only for the wealthy. Such a misconception needlessly widens the gap in health disparities because the truth is that everyone deserves access to lifestyle medicine. Fortunately, there are numerous successful examples of delivering these services to underresourced patients. We can all contribute to narrowing health inequities by sourcing increasingly abundant lifestyle medicine resources. 
All patients’ lived experiences are unique, and there is a wide range of potential challenges to achieving lifestyle behavior change. Lack of access to nutritious food or transportation, a shortage of safe greenspaces, unstable housing, and low health literacy are examples of social determinants of health (SDOH) that affect lifestyle choices. Ignoring these obstacles is a disservice to patients and almost certainly results in treatment failure. Requirements to document SDOH have been a tremendous initial step. 
The next step is to have conversations with every patient about the powerful outcomes of even small lifestyle changes. All too often, clinicians forego conversations on lifestyle change with patients affected by adverse SDOH and assume that social obstacles automatically mean that patients are neither willing nor able to attempt behavior modification. Instead, it is an opportunity for clinicians, particularly those certified in lifestyle medicine, to meet patients where they are, work with them to identify solutions, and provide referrals to community-based organizations with resources to help.
Not all lifestyle behavior interventions need to be programmatic or time intensive. Clinicians can guide patients toward simple but specific actions that can make a difference in health outcomes over time. Small steps, like eating one can of beans or two bags of frozen leafy greens each week, are a good start toward adjusted eating patterns. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) offers a whole-food, plant-predominant meal guide to share with patients. 
Individuals can increase their physical activity in their living rooms by doing sit-to-stands or balancing on one leg. Deep breathing and establishing a sleep routine are other lifestyle behavior changes without a price tag.
It is true that early adopters of lifestyle medicine often had difficulty practicing in underresourced communities. Those practitioners were forced to operate on a cash-pay basis, making access to care cost-prohibitive for many patients. However, board certification has been available since 2017, and lifestyle medicine is being integrated into medical schools and residency programs. Many such board-certified clinicians now work in large health systems and bill under the usual methods. There are also frameworks, such as the community-engaged lifestyle medicine model, showing how to treat patients affected by adverse SDOH effectively.
For example, patients at risk for malnutrition due to illnesses like chronic kidney disease, cancer, and congestive heart failure receive medically tailored meals and access to a registered dietitian through a partnership between UC San Diego Health and Mama’s Kitchen. In Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, where 1 in 10 of the approximately 700,000 residents face food insecurity, the Kellyn Foundation delivers fresh food through the Eat Real Food Mobile Market and offers whole-food, plant-predominant cooking classes, interactive elementary school programs focused on healthy lifestyle choices, and therapeutic lifestyle-change programs in community locations. Three months after launching new mobile market sites in Allentown, 1200 households were utilizing $15 weekly food vouchers through the program. Lifestyle medicine clinicians serve inner-city and rural areas in independent practices, large health systems, and community-based practice activities.
To improve access to lifestyle medicine in underresourced communities, more clinicians trained and certified in lifestyle medicine are needed. The Health Equity Achieved through Lifestyle Medicine (HEAL) Initiative supports a diverse lifestyle medicine workforce by offering scholarships to clinicians underrepresented in medicine and is working to train and certify at least one physician within each of the 1400Federally Qualified Health Centers where clinicians are on the front lines of delivering care to the most underserved populations.
A meaningful first step for clinicians to address health disparities is to screen patients for and document SDOH. The American Academy of Family Physicians offers useful tools to screen patients, identify community-based resources, and help patients create action plans to overcome health risks and improve outcomes. In a promising trend to better support addressing SDOH in clinical care, the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule included new codes to support this effort. 
Not every patient will be ready or willing to begin a lifestyle medicine treatment plan. Still, all of them will be grateful for the opportunity to decide for themselves. If we are invested in narrowing health inequities, lifestyle medicine and behavior change must be a topic in clinical encounters with all our patients.
